Monday, October 29, 2012


It was a rough and busy week. We just needed to have a way to de-stress. Bells and I came up with an idea. Daddy left and we went out and found nerf guns and water balloons. As she says it, we were going to surprise Daddy. 

I locked the door and left notes on the front door. We were inside hiding. 

(Like the wreath I made? I'll post about that soon)

It took us about 20 minutes to fill up the water balloons and get prepared. She could not stand the wait. 
Just look at her face, she was ready to "surprise" Daddy. 

See the small grenades. I love biting them and yelling right before I throw them. It makes me feel like I am really cool. 

The letter we wrote and left sitting on the table. We were hiding and no joke Bells shot him right in the head when he was reading it. It was perfect. Then we ran outside, where we had all the water balloons hidden. Of course we had some for him, he just had to find them. 

Bells and I waiting for Daddy to come home.

Mission Accomplished! Daddy was soaked!

We had so much fun and it was a perfect way to have some family time and have fun!!

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