Saturday, October 20, 2012

Just Like Her Mommy

It is no secret that I love to bake and cook. I love how she has shown such an interest in it. Thanks to Grandma Tiger, she can look just as cute as I do while baking. I also had to buy get some utensils that are just her size. Auntie Trista wanted brownies and so she brought over a BOX. I almost didn't let her in my house with that nasty box of just add eggs, water and oil. She said it saves time. My dear friend, not really, I have an amazing recipe for brownies and it add just a few more minutes. But you can subtract minutes for how fast they are gone. 
Bells mixing up the BOX mix. She even cracked her own egg. I turned to throw something away and I hear a CRACK and look around...a perfectly cracked open egg with no shells inside the bowl. She had half shell in each hand. I was so proud! 

Daddy said we looked so cute and we are his favorite cooks...Bells smiled BIG!!

Hey at least she isn't just in her unders, she now wears an apron too! We are moving forward...

Double spooning it...that is Daddy's girl!!

Auntie Trista you Rock and are always welcome to come over but please leave your boxes at home!!

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